Robocode Robot S
What is Robocode? Robocode is a programming game where the goal is to code a robot to compete against other robots in a battle arena. The player is the programmer of. Also note that the coordinate system for the graphical context where you paint items fits for the Robocode coordinate.
Bugfixes:. Some of the mnemonics on the menus on the Help menu did not work correctly.
NullPointerException occurred when clicking a robot button on the right side of the battle view, when no battle was running. Changes:. All functions key shortcuts have been replaced to comply with OSes where the function keys (F1 - F12) are not available or have a specific purpose, and thus should not be overridden. The F5 shortcut key for refreshing the list of available robots in the New Battle, Robot Packager, Robot Extractor, and Team Creator window has been changed to 'modifier key' + R, i.e. Ctrl+R on Windows and Linux, and Command+R for Mac OS. The F6 shortcut key for 'Compile' has been changed to 'modifier key' + B, i.e.
Ctrl+B on Windows and Linux, and Command+B for Mac OS. The F3 shortcut key for 'Find Next' has been changed to 'modifier key' + G, i.e.
Ctrl+G on Windows and Linux, and Command+G for Mac OS. Posted by 2008-02-04.
Robocode is a Java programming game, where the goal is to develop a robot battle tank to battle against other tanks. The robot battles are running in real-time and on-screen. The motto of Robocode is: Build the best, destroy the rest!
O Bugfix: - Fixed security flaw with the Event Dispatch Thread, where robots could use the SwingUtilities.invokeLater for running any code they should like to. Thanks goes to John Cleland who reported this security flaw and provided some very good examples of robot that could do some nasty cheats. Posted by 2007-12-12. Compared to the 1.5 Beta, the following was added. New features: - Added the Robot Cache Cleaner tool created by Aaron Rotenberg (aka AaronR). Used for cleaning the cache files for the robots, which is very useful with the RoboRumble client, where most problems can be solved by cleaning the robot cache files.
This tool is activation by selecting 'Clean Robot Cache' in the Options menu or by running the tool from a command line (standing in the robocode home directory). Posted by 2007-12-05.
Changes:. Redundant HitRobotEvents are no longer occurring when Robocode is performing collision detection between two robots. Previously: If a collision between a stationary robot (i.e. Not moving) and another robot that was moving, then two HitRobotEvents would first be sent to each robot based on the stationary robot even though no damage was done. Next, two HitRobotEvents would be sent to each robot based on the robot that was moving, which WAS causing damage.
Now: HitRobotEvents will only occur when damage is done to each robot, and no HitRobotEvents will be ever be sent when no damage is done, i.e. When a stationary robot is 'colliding' with another robot. Posted by 2007-11-22. Bugfixes: - RoboRumble participants excluded with the EXCLUDE filter were also removed from the ratings, which is not the intension. In addition, if trailing white-spaces occurred with the comma-separatedlist for the EXCLUDE filter, the filter did not filter out participants correctly. With the release of 1.4.8 this bug was claimed to be fixed, but unfortunately the bugfix was missing in the build of the 1.4.8 release. Corrected bug seen with the JuniorRobot, when first calling turnAheadLeft(100,90) and then turnRight(90) right after this call, where the robot turn quickly to the left, but slowly to the right.
The calculation of the possible frame rate (FPS) was calculated incorrectly causing Robocode to run with lower FPS when rendering battles on the GUI compared to was is really possible to do with the available hardware. With this bugfix, Robocode will render the battles even faster than before in most cases. Posted by 2007-11-07. Robocode is a Java programming game, where the goal is to develop a robot battle tank to battle against other tanks. The robot battles are running in real-time and on-screen. The motto of Robocode is: Build the best, destroy the rest! Bugfixes: - When debugging robots or the Robocode game itself within Eclipse on Windows, the Java VM was crashing with an 'Access Violation'.
With Robocode 1.4.7 a minor bug was introduced so that the robot console printed out 'Wait interrupted' when a round was completed. RoboRumble participants excluded with the EXCLUDE filter were also removed from the ratings, which is not the intension.
In addition, if trailing white-spaces occurred with the comma-separated list for the EXCLUDE filter, the filter did not filter out participants correctly. Posted by 2007-10-29. Robocode is a Java programming game, where the goal is to develop a robot battle tank to battle against other tanks. The robot battles are running in real-time and on-screen. The motto of Robocode is: Build the best, destroy the rest!
Version 1.4.7 Bugfixes: - Some robots did not receive any score even though they won the battle due to Robocode did not always detect correctly that the robot's thread(s) had been properly terminated. Thanks goes to Eric Simonton, David Alves, and 'AaronR' for help solving this issue!
- Teams located in the.robotcache dir were still put into the robot.database file. Thus, these teams located in the.robotcache dir were shown in the New Battle dialog. When stopping a battle while recording was enabled and then replaying the recorded battle, Robocode would show the last rounds of the battle even though no recording occurred for these rounds, i.e. 'ghost' rounds. When using the -battle option Robocode would run at full speed, i.e.
The TPS set to maximum, even though the GUI was enabled with a predefined TPS. Now, the TPS is only set to maximum when the -nodisplay option is used. Robocode was wasting time on trying to wake up robots that was dead. Robocode was blocked for the amount of milliseconds specified by the CPU constant when a robot was killed in a battle, as Robocode was waiting for the dead robot to wake up for exactly this amount of time.
Posted by 2007-10-11. Robocode is a Java programming game, where the goal is to develop a robot battle tank to battle against other tanks. The robot battles are running in real-time and on-screen.
The motto of Robocode is: Build the best, destroy the rest! Bugfixes: - The coordinates of a Bullet from a bullet event like HitByBulletEvent was not correct as the coordinates of the bullets would follow the bullet explosion on the robot it has hit. Now the coordinates of the Bullet will not change when it hits a robot or another bullet, even though the coordinates of the bullet explosion will change internally, but only for painting the explosion. This means that the coordinates of a bullet received from a bullet event will actually by on the real bullet line. The initial explosion painting on a robot has also changed so it shows exactly where the bullet has hit the robot, or more precisely the bounding box of the robot, which does not rotate with the robot rotation. When Robocode cleaned up the robot database a NullPointerException could occur if a file was missing which the database file referred to.
The Restart button was enabled when do battles had been started previously. The areas of the battle field was repainted with the black background with the Robocode logo when the game was paused, and the battle window needed to be repainted. When the Robocode window was minimized the actual TPS and FPS were not shown. When installing new versions of Robocode on top of an existing Robocode installation, the About window did not have the right height.
Posted by 2007-09-26. Bugfixes: - Unfair play. Two robots with the same code (but different names) would get different scores instead of a 50-50 split. Robots listed before other robots in a battle would gain a minor benefit compared to the other robots, especially if they killed each other at the same time. Then the robot listed first would get a 'half turn' advantage over the other robot. Now, the ordering does not matter anymore, as when ever the robots are checked one at a time in sequence, then they will be checked in random order. ConcurrentModificationException could still occur when called one of the getXXXEvent methods with an AdvancedRobot.
Now all getXXXEvent methods like e.g. GetAllEvents are all synchronized directly with the internal event queue of the robot before reading out the events. Test Condition flag of a robot was not reset between rounds. If the robot thread was disabled while testing a condition for a custom event all following rounds will trigger a 'robocode.exception.RobotException: You cannot take action inside Condition.test.
You should handleonCustomEvent instead.' - Again, the title of Robocode was incorrectly showing round N+1 of N when a battle was ended. Memory leaks occurring during a round due to missing cleanup of bullets have been removed. Note that ALL bullets were actually cleaned up, when ending the battle (containing one or several rounds). One good side-effect of this bugfix is that the game is speeded, especially when running in minimized mode, as the game does not have to perform unnecessary calculations on bullets that is not visible on the battle field anymore. Posted by 2007-09-16.
Robocode is a Java programming game, where the goal is to develop a robot battle tank to battle against other tanks. The robot battles are running in real-time and on-screen.
The motto of Robocode is: Build the best, destroy the rest! Bugfixes: - With version 1.4.3 a bug was introduced so that battleAborted was called in the robocode.control.RobocodeListener when the battle was not aborted, i.e.
When a battle completes successfully. This bug caused Robocode clients as e.g. RoboRumble to hang! - Removed Windows end-of-line characters from files for RoboRumble. Posted by 2007-09-10. Bugfixes: - Major bugfixes was done by Nathaniel Troutman to get rid of large memory leaks, especially when creating and destroying robocode.control.RobocodeEngine instances many times. Most of the memory leaks were caused by circular references between internal classes/objects in Robocode.
Now, these circular references are cleaned up. The configuration files for RoboRumble was completely missing under the /roborumble folder, i.e. The meleerumble.txt, roborumble.txt, and teamrumble.txt. Fixed inconsistent behavior of the RobocodeEngine.setVisible.
When invoking the RobocodeEngine to directly run a battle(s) and calling RobocodeEngine.setVisible(true), and then later call RobocodeEngine.setVisible(false) the results dialog would still show up at the end of a battle. This fix was done by Nathaniel Troutman - Did another fix where a dummy AWT (GUI) component was created even though the GUI was disabled causing problems when trying to run e.g. RoboRumble remotely without the GUI enabled. Sometimes the 'New Batle' window would show robot classes that reside in the.robotcache folder under the /robots folder. This occured when the robot database was (re)builded.
Robocode Robot Codes
When running battles including the MyFirstJunior and the pressing the mouse button outside of the battle field a ClassCastException would occur. When double-clicking the Restart button for the battle window the UI could lock up completely trying to play all rounds, and it would not be possible to stop the battle.
Posted by 2007-09-07. Bugfixes: - RoboRumble was invoking AWT (GUI) stuff when running, which caused problems on systems without support graphical display or running RoboRumble remotely behind a firewall. When running robocode.control.RobocodeEngine it caused memory leaks each time a new instance of the RobocodeEngine was created, even though the object was completely destroyed.
The onPaint method was invoked just before the robot got the chance of updating it's internal world model. Now the battle view is updated as the first thing right after the robots have updated their internal model. One ConcurrentModificationException bug did still occur with the internal EventQueue of a robot. The Robocode engine was halted with spurious exceptions when an exception occurred inside a onPaint method in a robot, i.e. When the robot itself causes an exception inside onPaint.
Now, whenever an exception occurs inside the onPaint method of a robot, the exception is now being catched by Robocode and printed out in the robot console. Due to the bug found above regarding exceptions occurring inside the onPaint method of a robot, exception handlers have now been added to all onKeyXXX and onMouseXXX events, where the exceptions are now printed out into the robot console. Posted by 2007-08-26. Robocode is a Java based programming game, where the goal is to develop robot battle tank to battle against competitor tanks. The moto of Robocode is: Build the best, destroy the rest! Robocode requires a Java SE 5.0 Runtime Environment (JRE) to run. The 'JuniorRobot' release has finally been released.
Compared to the 1.4 Beta 2 release, the following changes were made:. Added scannedHeading to JuniorRobot in order to get the heading of the scanned robot. Redundant RoboRumble config files are now removed from the /config folder.
Changed UPLOAD=NOT to UPLOAD=YES as default, i.e. The results are now automatically uploaded to the RoboRumble server. Bugfix: When printing to 'out' in onScannedRobot event before a scan call, the the logging to out would stop with an system error that to much is printed out. Posted by 2007-08-15. Compared to the first Robocode 1.4 Beta, the following changed were made: - Bugfix: The text labels with the robot names and points were clipped to an area of 800x600 pixels. Added the field 'scannedVelocity' to the JuniorRobot - Changed the behavior of turnAheadLeft, turnAheadRight, turnBackLeft, and turnBackRight so that the turn and move end at exactly the same turn.
The robot will move in a curve on a perfect circle. turnBackLeft and turnBackRight is now moving to the same side as turnAheadLeft and turnAheadBack respectively.
Posted by 2007-08-04. O Bugfixes: - Static fields on robots were not cleaned up anymore after each battle has ended. O Added JuniorRobot: - This class is simpler to use than the Robot class and has a simplified model, in purpose of teaching programming skills to inexperienced in programming students. This new robot type has been designed by Nutch Poovarawan / Cubic Creative team. O Added sample.MyFirstJuniorRobot: - This robot is very similar to MyFirstRobot, but tracks it's scanned enemy better. O GUI: Changed menu shortcut key: - Robocode forced the use of the Ctrl key to be used as menu shortcut key.
Now Robocode ask the Java VM what menu shortcut key to use. This change means that Mac OS X users should now use the Command key instead of the control key. Thanks goes to Nutch Poovarawan for the tip of how to do this!:-) o Improved battleview a bit: - A red border is now painted around the battlefield, when the battleview's height and/or width is larger than the battlefield.
Explosions are painted outside the battlefield, when the battleview is larger than the battlefield. The text for the Robot names and scores are now 'clipped' to the width and height of the battleview instead of the battlefield. O Added 'Recalculate CPU constant' to the Options menu: - This makes it possible to force recalculation of the CPU constant.
Posted by 2007-07-29. O Bugfixes: - The title was displaying 'Playing round N+1 of N' when the battle has ended. O Faster rendering: - The battle rendering is now 30-50% faster due to image buffering (uses memory). A new 'Buffer images' option under the Rendering Options can be enabled/disabled on the fly while playing a battle.
By default, 'Buffer images' is enabled which makes the rendering faster, but which also uses additional memory. Due to the faster renderings, explosion debris is now enabled by default.
Robocode Robot Source Code
O Key events: - Key events are now received even though the battle view does not have the focus. O Controlling Robocode: - The container classes in the robocode.control package are now Serializable, which makes it easy to load and store, battle specifications, results etc., but also to send these over the network. Posted by 2007-07-04. O Bugfixes: - NullPointerException occurred when trying to open the Sound Options page from the Preferences when no sound card (or actually audio mixer) is present in the system. O New features: - The Robot class has now been extended with keyboard and mouse events: onKeyTyped, onKeyPressed, onKeyReleased, onMouseMoved, onMouseClicked, onMousePressed, onMouseReleased, onMouseEntered, onMouseExited, onMouseDragged, onMouseWheelMoved.
These new features adds a new dimension to the game, i.e. You could make robots that must be controlled entirely manual, semi-automized robots, or press various key for changing between various robot strategies, e.g. When debugging. Thus, it is now possible to create robots where multiple human players battle against each other, or compete against existing legacy robots o New sample robot.
A new sample robot named Interactive has been added to demonstrate how to control a robot using keyboard and mouse events only. This robot is controlled by the arrow keys and/or the mouse wheel, and let the gun point towards the current coordinate of the mouse pointer used for aiming. Mouse buttons are used for firing bullets with various fire power. O Minor changes: - The background Robocode logo has been changed into green and the Robocode slogan 'Build the best, destroy the rest' was added. Posted by 2007-06-27.
Version 1.3.3 o Bugfixes: - Wrong colors when undoing and redoing multiline comment in the Robot Editor - When a battle was stopped a new battle could start before the previous battle was closed down - When restarting a battle while it was paused caused strange behaviour with new battles, and the 'Next Turn' button stopped working - In some situations the Rankings Panel did not show the results for all robots - This could be seen if first playing a battle with only 2 robots, and then start a new battle with more robots. In this case, only the rankings for the top 2 robots were shown o Changes: - The Rankings Panel and Results Dialog are now automatically packed to fit the table containing the rankings/results Posted by 2007-06-22. O Bugfixes - The sample.SittingDuck would not start when no GUI is enabled - The Look and Feel is not set if the GUI is disabled - The ignored command line arguments (e.g. Under Linux and Mac) - When setting the -result parameter from the command line the results file was empty o Enhancements - When specifying the -battle parameter the.battle extension and battle directory can be omitted. Hence you can write '-battle sample' instead of '-battle battles/sample.battle' - If a specified battle file does not exist Robocode will now exit with an error - If you specify the -results parameter the last results will now always be printed out, i.e. With and without the GUI enabled. Otherwise, if the GUI is not enabled (by setting the -nodisplay parameter) then the last results will be printed out to system out Posted by 2007-06-09.
Version 1.3.1 o Bugfixes - When loading a battle, the robots specified in the battle file were not selected on the battle dialog - When the intro battle has finished the battle settings are now reset to the default battle settings. This fixes the issue were the fixed robot starting positions are still used in new battles and where the 'Number of Rounds' was set to 1 instead of 10 - The output in the robot console windows were written out in bulks instead of immediately - Bugs fixed in RoboRumble which could cause a java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException o Changes - Robocode will now print out an error message and just proceed if problems arise with tring to set the Look and Feel (LAF) to the system LAF. When stopping or restarting a battle, the battle will now stop immediately instead of continuing for a while showing robot explosions when the robots are being terminated due to the stop - Added confirm dialog when trying to reset the compiler preferences from the Compiler-Options-Reset Compiler in the Robocode Editor in order to prevent the compiler preferences to be reset by accident o New features - Added link to Java 5.0 Documentation in the Help menu Posted by 2007-05-30.
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